無論是營造明亮妝容,或帶出自然妝感,以Savvy Minerals礦物粉底作為底妝都最適合不過。這粉底以優質礦物成分製造,持久貼服。自然色調,遮瑕度高,塗抹後尤如與肌膚融為一體,帶來清新無瑕肌膚同時仍能保持妝容通透自然。全天保持完美裸妝效果,讓您何時何地都在最佳狀態。不含劣質物料、人造成分或羥基苯甲酸酯(parabens),敏感肌膚同樣適用。 持久貼服配方,性質溫和,觸感細緻舒適,感覺如絲柔透亮,Savvy Minerals 礦物粉底是您化妝袋中的常備之選。
以化妝掃掃上效果更佳。將小量礦物粉底灑於盒蓋上,轉動掃頭沾取,再輕拍瓶蓋將多餘粉末拍走。以打圈方式於臉部輕輕掃上礦物粉底,重覆掃上可增加遮瑕度。如想作更細緻遮瑕,先噴Savvy Minerals精油妝用噴霧兩至三下於化妝掃上,再用以沾上礦物粉底及上妝。掃上礦物粉底已能造出清簡妝容,您亦可加添上修容輪廓粉、胭脂及 蜜粉營造完整造型。
如何選取粉底顏色:Savvy Minerals 礦物粉底備有不同色度,適合不同肌膚色調需要。暖色調適合偏黃、淡粉紅色或呈金色的肌膚;冷色調適合較粉紅或偏紅肌膚。
如果您不清楚您的肌膚色調,可看看前臂內側的靜脈血管 – 如顏色偏綠的話,那麼您的肌膚色調應偏向暖色,如顏色偏藍的話,肌膚色調則應偏向冷色。
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Whether you use it as the base of an elaborate look or on its own for a more natural approach, our mineral foundation has you covered. Part of our Savvy Minerals by Young Living™ line, this long-lasting foundation is made with high-quality, mineral-based ingredients. Its buildable formula can be used for sheer to full coverage and blends flawlessly for a natural-looking foundation that still diminishes the appearance of imperfections and blemishes. It is also an all-day foundation, so you don’t need to worry about it as you transition between your home, work, and social life. Plus, we specially crafted it without fillers, synthetics, or parabens, making it a great foundation for sensitive skin. With its long-lasting formula, gentle ingredients, and gorgeous finish, Savvy Minerals Foundation is the only coverage you need stashed in your makeup bag.
Size 5g
How To Use:
For best results, use a foundation brush. Sprinkle a small amount of Foundation into the jar lid and swirl the brush in the lid to collect the powder. Lightly tap the brush handle to dust off any excess. Using circular motions, blend the Foundation onto your skin, repeating to build coverage. For more controlled coverage, spritz your brush 2–3 times with Savvy Minerals Misting Spray before swirling in the powder. Keep things simple with Foundation only or use Bronzer, Blush, and Veil for a full-face look.
FINDING YOUR PERFECT FOUNDATION: Savvy Minerals Foundations are organized by undertones and shades. Our Warm colors complement yellow, peach, or golden undertones, while our Cool colors are best for pink or red undertones.
If you aren’t sure which undertone you have, look at the veins on the underside of your forearm. If they have a green tinge to them, it’s likely that your undertone is warm. If they have a bluish tinge, your tone probably runs cool.
Each tone—Warm and Cool—comes in various shades, with No. 1 as the lightest shade. As the number goes up, the shade gets darker. Once you know your undertone and preferred shade, you’re ready to start building your perfect look!