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「種子到密封」之 除雜草

悠樂芳營運總監 Jaren Turner 分享到:
Sharing from Young Living COO Jared Turner

當我們的精油成本被客戶視為「挑戰」時,我就喜歡把這個「挑戰」形容為 在不使用 除草劑 或其他 有毒化學品 的情況下,於我們全球的農場所需的工作量。
When the cost of our essential oils is seen as a challenge by our customers, I like to describe for them the work required to run farms around the world without using herbicides or other toxic chemicals.

It costs us around $12,000 per acre to weed our Mona, Utah lavender fields by hand, using manual labor.

你知道其他公司用多少錢去「除雜草」嗎?是每英畝 60美元。噴灑廉價(和有毒)的 除草劑 是更快,更便宜的。
Do you know how much “weeding” costs other companies? $60.00 per acre. Spraying cheap (and toxic) herbicides is faster and much cheaper.

Gretchen’s thoughts:
Therefore, I sincerely invite you to visit Young Living’s farms. And when you understand what “Seed to Seal” really is, you will treasure each and every bottle of young living essential oils in your hands, and will not think of it as expensive anymore.


Gretchen King-Ann 精油世界

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