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A lung study published this year showed that using traditional cleaners in your home one time a week is the equivalent of smoking a pack of cigarettes per day. 🚬🤯
It takes less than 30 seconds for those toxic chemicals to be absorbed through your skin.’
So, consider this:
👉🏻What you’re cleaning your floors with...you (and your babies, kids and fur babies) are absorbing through your feet
你正在用甚麼清潔地板 … 也正在被你的腳板吸收(包括你的嬰兒,小孩和寵物)
👉🏻What you’re cleaning your counters with...is being transferred into the food you’re eating
你正在用甚麼清潔櫃面 ... 也正在轉移到你的食物中
👉🏻What you’re cleaning your bathtub with...you’re soaking your body in
你正在用甚麼清洗浴缸 … 也正在浸泡你的身體
👉🏻What you wash your clothes and bedding in....you’re covering your entire body with
你正在用甚麼洗衣服和鋪床 … 也正在包蓋你的身體
👉🏻Your skin is the largest organ of your body and absorbs everything you put on it
And, most Americans are still using completely toxic cleaners.
Guys. Toxic does not equal clean.
而且,大部份美國人仍在使用含有毒化學的清潔劑。 使用有毒化學物絕不等於乾淨。
You can absolutely utilize options that are safe AND effective. This isn’t a compromise you have to make.
My family uses Thieves household cleaner concentrate from Young Living for literally everything… My floors, My mirrors, My counters, My tub, My produce even👀
我的家人都使用Young Living的「Thieves盜賊家居清潔液」來清潔家居,包括:
It’s that safe. And, it’s cheaper than any store bought cleaner I ever bought before.
Are you still using toxic cleaners? Do you still have to keep your cleaning supplies under lock and key, so your babies or kids aren’t harmed?
這是絕對安全有效,而且還比我以前在市面上任何一家商店購買的清潔劑都要便宜。 你還在使用有毒化學清潔劑嗎?你是否還需要鎖起清潔用品以免嬰兒或孩子接觸到或危害到他們?
Let me tell ya—They’re still being harmed, even if they aren’t getting a hold of the bottle🎙
讓我告訴你 - 即使他們沒有抓住清潔劑的瓶子,他們仍然間接受到傷害!


Post credit: Hippie Healing Mama


Gretchen King-Ann 精油世界

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