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100% 純淨精油「真實標籤」和「正確標籤」的區別

資料來源: Sybil Brun
Hey friends I’m here to show you the difference between real labeling of “100% pure essential oil” and correct labeling. I am not here to brand shame (hence why the label is off). But, both bottles are labeled 100% pure.
這裡告訴大家100% 純淨精油「真實標籤」和「正確標籤」的區別。我們並不是在羞辱其他品牌 (因此隱藏了它的標籤),你可見到兩瓶精油都是標示100% 純淨的。

In the United States, there only has to be 5% pure oil per bottle. Meaning, 95% of the bottle can be filler and they can legally market it as 100% pure organic oil.
在美國,每瓶只要含有5% 純淨精油便可以合法地將其作為100% 純淨有機精油出售,緃使內裡含有95% 填充劑!!!

The bottle on the left is obviously way lighter in color, but do you see the outer ring? The ring consists of chemical fillers added to the essential oil. Yet fillers were not listed on the ingredients

The bottle on the right is so concentrated that it bled through the lid. It is deep blue in color because it is pure. This is a perfect example of our Seed to Seal promise which guarantees 100% essential oils. I’ve witnessed the process of planting the seeds, all the way to bottling and sealing on Young Living farms and it’s very real. It provides full transparency so you know what happens every step of the way, with no interference by a middle man.
右邊瓶子是很濃的,以至它從蓋子流了出來。由於是真正純淨,所以它是深藍色的,這是Young Living保證從「種子到封密」承諾的完美示例,該承諾保證是100%純淨的精油。我親身目睹了種子播種的過程,一直到Young Living農場裝瓶和封密,這都是非常真實的,它提供了完全的透明性,因此您無需擔心會有中間人干預,可以了解每一步的情況。

This is why I encourage y’all not to buy the cheap oils at Walmart, Target, Amazon, etc. because you cannot know what you’re really getting. You do not know what you’re paying for. You do not know what diffusing into your air you breathe into your lungs. Or what you’re putting on your body that ends up in your bloodstream and inside your cells. Please be safe.
這就是為甚麼我呼籲大家不要在市面上購買那些很便宜的精油,因為您不知道到底自己真正得到的甚麼品質;您不知道自己付出了多少;您不知道您吸入肺的甚麼;甚至,您塗抹在身上的東西最終會經由皮膚進入血液和細胞內….. 因此忠告大家請必須注意安全!

Thanks to my friend Heather for sharing this pic and allowing me to adapt this post to include my own experience at several Young Living farms! Feel free to share along with your experience too. She said anyone can share!
感謝 Heather 分享了這張照片,讓我們都可以了解和分享Young Living的最高品質保證!

Gretchen King-Ann 精油世界

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