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Purification 淨化



  • 氣味清新、充滿活力的香氣
  • 去除空氣中的異味
  • 清新氣味可淨化異味
  • 局部塗抹於肌膚上可舒緩肌膚
  • 含醒目薰衣草成份,有助於改善氣味



  • 在烘衣紙上滴幾滴精油可讓衣物散發明亮香氣。
  • 在棉球上滴上幾滴Purification精油,並存放在易有異味的地方,例如:通風口、抽屜、垃圾桶、鞋內等。
  • 使用USB擴香機,讓Purification精油消除食物或健身房的殘留氣味。
  • 將Purification精油滴入玻璃水瓶中,可用來噴灑亞麻布製品。


  • 在例行的清潔工作後使用,可讓整個家充滿清新的檸檬香茅香氣。
  • 讓浴室繚繞自然清爽的柑橘香氣,為您的早晨帶來滿滿活力。
  • 為您的儲藏室去除異味並留下清新香氣。
  • 旅行中使用,將飯店房間打造成讓您舒適的芳香天堂。
  • 為您的戶外環境增添活力芬芳。




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Looking for a quick way to freshen the air after dinner or when the kids get home from soccer practice? Use Purification essential oil blend, with its combination of our freshest odor-busting essential oils, to create an atmosphere that smells bright and clean. This versatile product works perfectly in musty office spaces, dirty cars, and kids’ rooms that need a little pick-me-up. It’s the ultimate way to purify the air without resorting to harsh chemicals and overpowering store-bought products.

Features & Benefits

  • Produces a clean, invigorating aroma
  • Clears the air of unwanted odors
  • Freshens musty and stale areas with its lively scent
  • Soothes skin when applied topically
  • Contains Lavandin, an ingredient that helps clean and purify the air


  • Add a few drops to dryer sheets to give your laundry a bright-smelling boost.
  • Place a few drops of Purification on cotton balls and stash them anywhere that can use additional freshness: air vents, drawers, shoes, garbage cans, etc.
  • Use Purification in the car with a USB Diffuser to fight lingering food and gym bag odors.
  • Add Purification to a glass bottle with water and spritz it on linens.

Where to Diffuse

  • Add a few drops to dryer sheets to give your laundry a bright-smelling boost.
  • Place a few drops of Purification on cotton balls and stash them anywhere that can use additional freshness: air vents, drawers, shoes, garbage cans, etc.
  • Use Purification in the car with a USB Diffuser to fight lingering food and gym bag odors.
  • Add Purification to a glass bottle with water and spritz it on linens.

Purification has a clean, refreshing scent. When diffused, this blend works to eliminate unwanted odors and keep your space smelling pure and fresh.

Label Directions

Topical: Apply 2–4 drops directly to desired area. Dilution not required, except for the most sensitive skin. Use as needed.
Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 minutes 3 times daily.

Cautions: Keep out of reach of children. For external use only. Keep away from eyes and mucous membranes. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult a health professional prior to use.

Product Background
Created by Young Living Founder D. Gary Young, this blend was crafted to purify the air. Purification combines Citronella, Lavandin, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Myrtle, and Tea Tree to uplift and invigorate the atmosphere. The plant sources for these oils come from many exotic and beautiful locations: Lemongrass is native to India, Guatemala, and other tropical countries; and Citronella originated in Sri Lanka. Purification utilizes these natural resources to brighten and freshen up any space.


