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Ningxia Red 寧夏紅

營養豐富的枸杞飲料寧夏紅可以讓您充滿活力、強身和保健。透過每日飲用寧夏紅, 可將健康提升到一個全新的水平。
60 毫升的單品包裝是初嘗自然美味寧夏紅的理想之選。獨立包裝㩦帶方便,將寧夏紅放在你的手袋或背包裡,或把它們作為樣品送給朋友、家人和感興趣的消費者品嘗。


「超級水果」寧夏枸杞被傳統中醫採用超過20年,含有豐富纖維及蛋白質,高度抗氧化,是Young Living寧夏紅的其中主要成分。1993年,D. Gary Young與中國科學家Dr. Songqiao Chao趙博士會面。趙博士介紹了一種在中國沿用數千年的美味水果—枸杞子,解釋經常進食這種水果的人較為長壽及健康,Gary 因此決心將這種「超級水果」帶給全世界。他以枸杞製作出健康果汁飲料—寧夏紅,促成了這款超級飲品的誕生!




寧夏紅支援眼睛及心血管健康,使您從頭到腳都得到營養支援。其味道酸甜美味, 純素配方,低糖低熱量,關注血糖人士和素食人士均可放心飲用。試試將寧夏紅加入日常的餐飲或發揮創意,以寧夏紅調製喜愛的活力特飲及甜品!

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NingXia Red® is a healthy daily supplement beverage that contains whole Ningxia wolfberry puree; a superfruit blend of blueberry, aronia, cherry, pomegranate, and plum juices; natural stevia extract; grape seed extract; pure vanilla extract; and Orange, Yuzu, Lemon, and Tangerine essential oils.

The Story of NingXia Red

Traditional Chinese medicine has used wolfberries for more than 2000 years. It is rich in nutrients, highin fiber, protein and antioxidants. It is also a core ingredient of NingXia Red. In 1993, Young Living Founder and Chairman of the Board D. Gary Young met Chinese scientist Dr. Songqiao Chao. Dr. Chao introduced this delicious berry that had been prized in China for thousands of years. He explained that the people who regularly ingested this berry led remarkably long and high-energy lives. Gary became convinced that this superfruit needed to be made available to the world. He made every effort to put the wolfberries in our daily supplement beverage. This marked the birth of our Young Living best seller — NingXia Red.

With nearly 4.6-million-liter sales record every year, NingXia Red is now one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. By pureeing the fresh berries, we are able to capture nutrients not just from the juice, but also from the pulp, peel, seeds and fruit. Together with superfruit extracts and four citrusy pure essential oils which is antioxidant, NingXia Red can help you to revitalize your skin in an effortless way. By taking 1 serving of NingXia Red (1-2oz) which equals to 14g of NingXia wolfberries, you can have full energy with general health support all day!

Energy Booster

Whether you have an office job, or you’re a full-time stay-at-home parent, daytime hours are crunch time and getting there is half the battle. Simply take a pack of NingXia Red in the mid-day for boosting your energy. It contains antioxidant-providing whole NingXia wolfberries which helps you stay energized and healthy for the whole day.

Highly antioxidant for healthy skin

NingXia Red is the true superfruit beverage for your immortal beauty and wellness support. Its antioxidants from whole-fruit wolfberry puree, superfruit extracts and four citrusy pure essential oils are your powerful guardian against the cell-damaging free radicals. You can have bright and shiny skin all day even without make-up!

Whole-body nutrient infusion

NingXia Red supports the health of our eyes and Cardiovascular. It offers the nutrients needed for our whole body. Naturally sweetened with zero-calorie Stevia extract, NingXia Red can spice your daily dishes by creating signature drinks and desserts that are vegan-friendly.

