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Oregano Vitality 牛至精油調味料

牛至精油調味料能幫您的餐點增添風味,讓烹飪鹹味料理變得容易。 它的風味獨特帶有草本氣息,是地中海與墨西哥料理中必備的味道,然而從烤雞到烤蔬菜,不管什麼食譜,它都能幫所有您喜愛的料理增添風味。 雖然牛至精油調味料的濃郁風味能幫料理加分,但仍需謹慎使用。


  • 增添食物風味
  • 支援免疫系統*




  • 在菜餚中加入一點點牛至精油調味料,讓食物多點美味,尤其適合墨西哥與地中海料理。
  • 添加1滴至綠色健康飲品中,幫助淨化消化系統*。
  • * Young Living產品不用於診斷、治療、治癒或預防任何疾病。



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(Origanum vulgare )


Oregano Vitality essential oil provide your meals with a depth of flavor; it makes flavoring savory dishes simple. With a distinctive, herbaceous flavor, it is an indispensable addition to Mediterranean and Mexican cuisines, though it can enhance the flavors in all your favorite recipes, from grilled chicken to roasted vegetables. The potent flavor of Oregano Vitality makes it a delicious addition to dishes when used sparingly on its own.

Features & Benefits

  • May be used to enhance the flavor of foods


  • Add Oregano Vitality in small amounts to various dishes for extra flavoring, particularly in Mexican and Mediterranean dishes.
  • Add a drop to a green smoothie to help cleanse the digestive system.*

Oregano Vitality adds an earthy, warm flavor to savory dishes.

Label Directions
Add 1-2 drops to main dish and stir well to enhance flavor. Use up to 3 times daily.

Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult a health professional prior to use. Young Living products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Product Background
Oregano gets its name from the Greek words oros and ganos, which combined mean “joy of the mountains.” It’s no surprise that oregano has a Greek name, as it’s believed to have origins in Greece and in the mountains of the Mediterranean. This hardy, bushy plant can grow to around 30 inches tall, and it sprouts purple flowers. Oregano is part of the mint family, and its essential oil is steam distilled from the leaves. Varieties of oregano can be found all over the world.
