- 保濕修護精華中的活性成分會粘附在污垢和角質層上,因此,在塗抹前應徹底潔淨面部。為達至最理想的吸收效果,使用精華前建議先用溫水清洗面部,避免使用熱水或凍水;水溫過高會令皮膚出汗,阻礙吸收,水溫太冷則會令毛孔收細,同樣有礙吸收。
- 由於濕潤的皮膚比乾性皮膚的滲透性高10倍,因此,洗面後,建議先塗抹ART清新爽膚水,再塗抹精華,以便加強吸收效果。塗抹時建議把精華倒於掌心;手心的溫度有助釋放精華的活性成分,令吸收效果更理想。為了令精華能充分被皮膚吸收,塗抹後應待5分鐘後才進行其他後續的護膚程序。
- 使用精華時需要配合日常的日間或晚間保濕修護產品同時使用。建議配合ART輕透保濕乳液保濕霜使用效果更佳。
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Young Living’s Essential Beauty™ Serum is an ideal face serum for nourishing dry complexions skin. Specially formulated for dry skin, Young Living’s Essential Beauty™ Serum is a luxurious, multi-tasking facial treatment that contains 100% pure essential oils such as Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Blue Cypress, Clove Oil and Lavender. The premium quality of these essential oils is known for its moisturizing properties, which can help restore the skin’s natural moisture balance. Formulated with natural avocado oil, fractionated coconut oil, roseship oil and jojoba oil, it allows faster absorption to skin. The skin-‘refined and smooth after use.
Usage Tips
- The active ingredients in serums can stick to dirt and dead skin. For maximum absorption, wash face properly before applying. Use tepid water—hot water could make your skin perspire which inhibits absorption and cold water will close pores, blocking the serums’ goodness.
- Moist skin is 10 times more permeable than dry skin, so apply serum to damp skin after cleansing or moist skin with ART Refreshing Toner for a quick, deep absorption. Apply serum into skin with an open palm to release active ingredients. To allow serum to be fully absorbed, apply and wait for 5 minutes before your normal skin care routine.
- Serum is not moisturizer. They need moisturizing mates like a day or night cream, apply it with ART Light Moisturizer.