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AromaGuard Mountain Mint Deodorant 香體膏 (薄荷清香配方)

AromaGuard Mountain Mint 香體膏 (薄荷清香配方) 由椰子油、蜂蠟、維他命E配方而成,並揉合多種精油,包括檸檬、迷迭香等,有助舒緩肌膚。香體膏更不含鋁鹽,是追求天然生活人士的另一好選擇!


  • 每天塗抹腋下。
  • 皮膚受傷或過敏時請切勿使用。 請不要將產品暴露在過熱或陽光直射的地方。 請將產品放在兒童接觸不到的地方。

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AromaGuard® Mountain Mint™ is an aluminum-free alternative to commercial products. It contains coconut oil, beeswax, vitamin E, and pure essential oils such as Lemon and Rosemary to keep you smelling fresh all day long without harmful chemicals.

How To Use:

Apply daily.

Possible skin sensitivity. Do not expose to excessive heat or direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children.

