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Brush: Eyeliner 眼線掃

讓Savvy Minerals by Young Living®眼線掃成為化妝掃套裝當中的其中一員吧! 眼線掃以優質合成纖維軟毛製成,觸感輕柔順滑。掃毛經特別設計,充分配合Savvy Minerals by Young Living®天然礦物彩妝系列產品,可抓緊幼細的礦物粉末,沾取彩妝份量恰到好處,上妝更簡單容易,塑造順滑無痕彩妝效果。

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Build your makeup brush set with our premium Savvy Minerals by Young Living® Eyeliner Brush.

Each Savvy Minerals brush is made from high-quality synthetic fibers that are designed to hold the optimal amount of product and provide easy makeup application. And since each brush is designed to work with the texture of Savvy Minerals powders, there are no better makeup application brushes for your favorite Savvy Minerals products!


