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DewDrop Diffuser 水滴型擴香機

優雅的水滴型擴香機具有擴香及加濕功能。其超聲波技術使精油與水化成數以百萬計的微粒,在空氣中釋放Young Living 的獨特精油。定時設計、連續四個小時的擴散自動關閉功能、燈光效果調節,助你任意轉換房間 的氣氛。
尺寸:135 x 135 x 190毫米
水滴型超聲波擴香機附有5毫升Citrus Fresh精油及5毫升薰衣草精油各一支。*入門套裝內的水滴型擴香機並不包括這些精油。


  • 擴香精油以淨化空氣,營造和諧和輕鬆的氛圍。
  • 您可自行調節3種運作模式:
  • 高輸出模式可連續運作約5小時。
  • 低輸出模式可連續運作約8小時。
  • 間歇運作模式(每運作1分鐘靜止1分鐘)可連續運作約10小時。
  • 為房間增添多達11種獨立調控燈光功能。
  • 仿燭光閃爍燈光模式,營造浪漫溫暖的氣氛。
  • 利用燈光循環模式,慢慢漸變不同顏色。
  • 升級版水滴型超聲波擴香機設有11種獨立調控燈光功能,包括浪漫的仿燭光閃爍燈光模式和燈光循環模式。
  • 操作時間:長達約10小時

1. 移除外蓋與內蓋。
2. 注入室溫水至刻度,但不要超過紅線標記處。
3. 加入5至8滴精油。
5. 將電源變壓器駁上電源。
6. 按電源開關以啟動擴香機。
7. 水滴型超聲波擴香機會噴出霧氣,LED燈會亮起。


  • 清潔前請務必關閉並拔下電源連接器。
  • 為確保正常運作,請在每次使用後清洗霧化片和蓋子。
  • 如精油開始在霧化片上積聚,請使用沾有酒精的棉花棒輕輕擦拭。
  • 如精油開始積聚在蓋上,請用溫和的肥皂水輕輕擦拭。
  • 切勿使用腐蝕性清潔劑清潔霧化片,否則會損壞霧化片。
  • 定期檢查擴香機下方的風扇入氣口是否有碎屑。
  • 可吹走碎屑或用乾淨的乾布抹走碎屑。
  • (請勿使用噴霧劑、溶劑或研磨劑清潔外殼。)
  • 不使用時,請清潔後抹乾存放。
  • 替換用的霧化片可向Young Living購買。


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Our Dewdrop Diffuser has gotten an exciting upgrade bringing more possibilities to the ambiance created. The updated Dewdrop has two buttons to separately control the power and light settings. with 11 different LED colored lighting and a candle-like flicker mode. You can now mix and match your favorite essential oils with more choices on lighting settings. Speaking of ambiance, we’ve added longer run times, with 5- and 8-hour timers plus a 10-hour timer in intermittent mode. All those features are packaged in the Dewdrop’s original design but with an updated slate gray base. It’s fresh, fabulous, and oh so fun!

Diffuses essential oils to dispel odors and create a relaxing atmosphere of peace and harmony.

- Offers a customized experience with three run modes: - High mode runs approximately 5 hours continuously. - Low mode runs approximately 8 hours continuously. - Intermittent mode (1 minute on/1 minute off) runs approximately 10 hours. - Adds light to any room with 11 different light settings that can be turned on or off independent of diffuser function. - Creates a romantic environment with its candle-like flicker mode. - Transitions gently from one color to the next when in light cycle mode. - The Dewdrop has 11 different light settings that can be turned off or on independent of diffuser function. Settings include a romantic candle-like flicker mode and a light cycle mode. - Operation Time: 10-hour maximum run time setting

Features & Benefits

  • Diffuses essential oils to dispel odors and create a relaxing atmosphere of peace and harmony.
  • Offers a customized experience with three run modes:
  • High mode runs approximately 5 hours continuously.
  • Low mode runs approximately 8 hours continuously.
  • Intermittent mode (1 minute on/1 minute off) runs approximately 10 hours.
  • Adds light to any room with 11 different light settings that can be turned on or off independent of diffuser function.
  • Creates a romantic environment with its candle-like flicker mode.
  • Transitions gently from one color to the next when in light cycle mode.
  • The Dewdrop has 11 different light settings that can be turned off or on independent of diffuser function. Settings include a romantic candle-like flicker mode and a light cycle mode.
  • Operation Time: 10-hour maximum run time setting

How To Use:

  • 1. Remove both outer and inner lids.
  • 2. Add water until level reaches, but does not exceed, the red water fill line marker.
  • 3. Add 5-8 drops of essential oil.
  • 4. Replace both lids back onto the unit; align the groove on the outer lid to the notch on the base.
  • 5. Plug the power adaptor into a power outlet.
  • 6. Press the on/off button to switch on.
  • 7. The unit should be producing mist and the LED light should be on.


