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Premium Starter Kit with Dewdrop 高級入門套裝 (水滴型擴香機)

高級入門套裝擁有非凡價值提供了全面的精油力量介紹是那些想認真改變他們生活的完美選擇。 享受Young Living產品之餘亦可發掘事業體驗!


1.   水滴型擴香機

2.   以下其中10支經典精油 (各5ml)

  • 薰衣草精油
  • 薄荷精油
  • 檸檬精油
  • 苦配巴精油
  • 乳香精油
  • 檸檬香茅精油
  • 甜橙精油
  • 茶樹精油
  • Thieves 盜賊複方精油
  • Purification 複方精油
  • R.C. 複方精油
  • DiGize 複方精油
  • PanAway 複方精油
  • AromaEase 複方精油
  • Citrus Fresh 複方精油

3.   Stress Away 複方精油 (5ml)

4.   Thieves 盜賊潔淨護手液 29.5ml

5.   AromaGlide 滾珠部件1個

6. 「喜歡嗎?那就分享吧!」名片樣本(英文) x5

7. 「喜歡嗎?那就分享吧!」名片樣本(中文) x 5

8. 「喜歡嗎?那就分享吧!」精油樣本瓶 x10

9.   寧夏紅60ml x 2

10. 產品指南

11. 會員資訊

如欲購買這個入門套裝,請先按這裡成為Young Living會員。

🛒 立即購買

Enroll with the ultimate Young Living product and business experience! An extraordinary value that offers a comprehensive introduction to the power of essential oils, the Premium Starter Kit is the perfect option for those who are serious about transforming their lives.

Your Premium Starter Kit Includes :

  • Dewdrop Diffuser
  • Premium Essential Oils Collection contains 10 of the following;
    • Lavender 5-ml
    • Peppermint 5-ml
    • Lemon 5-ml
    • Copaiba 5-ml
    • Frankincense 5-ml
    • Thieves® 5-ml
    • Purification® 5-ml
    • R.C.™ 5-ml
    • DiGize™ 5-ml
    • PanAway® 5-ml
    • AromaEase 5-ml
    • Citrus Fresh 5-ml
    • Lemongrass 5-ml
    • Orange 5-ml
    • Tea Tree 5-ml
  • AromaGlide™ Roller Fitment
  • 10 Sample Packets
  • 5 Love It? Share It! Sample Business Cards
  • 5 Love It? Share It! Sample Oil Bottles
  • 10 Love It? Share It! Sample Oil Bottles
  • 2 NingXia Red® 2-oz. samples
  • Product Guide and Product Price List
  • Member Resources

