One Heart複方精油是為了慶祝我們透過敞開心扉去愛他人與為他人服務,在社區中建立團結精神和聯繋獲得的喜悅而誕生。
這款複方特別為凝聚人們和喚起對The D. Gary Young, Young Living基金會的關注而配製,它平衡的清新香氣能夠令我們對生活前景充滿盼望,並使我們意識到需要眾人攜手才能創造美好未來。這款獨特複方還可以幫助您找到自己的中心並連結您的內在靈性,試試在禱告或冥想中時使用它,連繋內在的自我。
樽身美麗的One Heart標籤由Anita Perlaza設計,她是來自厄瓜多爾農村的Young Living學院畢業生,現正修讀平面設計。Anita的媽媽在Young Living位於厄瓜多爾的Finca Botanica農場和蒸餾廠工作,而她的父親則在Young Living學院工作。Anita說:「我認為如果我們所有人都一同參與和合作,就能做到偉大的事情。」這正是她設計One Heart圖案的靈感來源。
One Heart的獨特配方包括桃自世界各地、經「種子到封密」嚴格品質標準生產的100%純淨精油,包括激發自信的依蘭依蘭和Valor複方精油;令人鼓舞的奥寇梯木(源自厄瓜多爾)、檸檬及青檸;還有振奮身心的北極光黑雲杉與綠薄荷。
本著One Heart複方精油令人振奮和團結的精神,每支批發價的35%將會撥捐基金會,以改善、啟發和改變有需要人士的生命,使他們具備自立能力。
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We created One Heart™ essential oil blend to celebrate the joy of creating unity and connection in our communities by opening our hearts to love and service for others.
Specifically blended to bring people together and help create awareness of The D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation, the refreshing aroma of this balancing blend can encourage a bright outlook on life and the awareness that we are all in this together. This proprietary blend can also help you find your center and connect to your inner spirituality. Try using it during prayer or meditation for connection with your inner self.
The beautiful One Heart label was designed by Anita Perlaza, a graduate of the Young Living Academy in rural Ecuador who is now studying graphic design. Anita’s mom works at Young Living’s Finca Botanica Farm and Distillery in Ecuador, and her father works at the Academy. Anita said she was inspired to create the design because “I think that if all people can join and collaborate, we can do great things together.”
About the Foundation:
The D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation’s mission is to protect and empower our world’s young. That mission is coupled with a vision to see a rising generation free to thrive and create positive change in their communities. Since Young Living fully covers the Foundation’s administrative costs, 100 percent of all donations go directly to the cause. Established in 2009, the Young Living Foundation is focused on equipping those born into conditions of vulnerability with the resources needed to unlock opportunities and provide long-term solutions.
About One Heart:
We created One Heart to celebrate and bring awareness to The D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation. Each oil was carefully selected to create a unique blend inspired by Gary Young’s love of nature and bringing together hearts and spirits. Valor inspires strength; Northern Lights Black Spruce helps create a meditative atmosphere; and Ylang Ylang and Ocotea create a delightfully sweet, uplifting aroma characterized by sweet citrus tones. Use One Heart to help generate positive feelings and connect with yourself and others.
One Heart’s proprietary blend includes 100 percent pure essential oils from around the globe, produced by our Seed to Seal® quality commitment, including Ylang Ylang and Valor® essential oil blend to invoke confidence, as well as Ocotea from Ecuador and Lemon and Lime to uplift. Northern Lights Black Spruce and Spearmint help invigorate the senses.
In the spirit of this uplifting, connecting blend, 35 percent of each wholesale purchase goes to the Foundation to empower, improve, inspire, and change the lives of those in need.
Topical: Dilute 1 drop with 1 drop of V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex or olive oil and apply to desired area as needed.
Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 minutes 3 times daily.
CAUTIONS: Keep out of reach of children. For external use only. Keep away from eyes and mucous membranes. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult a health professional prior to use. Avoid direct sunlight or UV rays for at least 12 hours after applying product.
One Heart was created to celebrate and bring awareness of The D. Gary Young, Young Living Foundation and encourage Young Living members to be one. Most importantly, it directly benefits the Foundation and its mission to protect and empower our world’s young, with a portion of sales being donated to further the Foundation’s outreach. One Heart’s proprietary blend includes 100 percent pure Seed to Seal essential oils—including Lemon, Valor, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Ylang Ylang, Ocotea, Lime, Roman Chamomile, Spearmint, and Jasmine—creating a delightfully sweet, floral, citrusy, and uplifting aroma that generates positive feelings.