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Lemon Verbena 檸檬馬鞭草

使用檸檬馬鞭草來提亮您的一天!檸檬馬鞭草的香氣能淨化空氣並激發您的感官享受,為您帶來仿如置身陽光明媚的檸檬田園中的感覺。 這種令人振奮的清新柑橘草本香氣在香水和茶葉行業享譽盛名。這種香氣實際上是來自芳香灌木,而非柑橘類水果。您除了可以將這款氣味清新的精油作為個人香水或以香氣點綴家居外,亦可以用於潔淨肌膚,或在中午使用助您喚發精神。

在Young Living的「種子到封密」品質承諾下,我們生產的是100%純淨的檸檬馬鞭草精油。 由於檸檬馬鞭草產量很少,因此市面上有許多檸檬馬鞭草精油都摻入了其他精油或添加劑。而我們只為您提供最純淨的精油,為您帶來最純淨的生活。


  • 蘊合抗氧化物
  • 營造Spa般放鬆的氛圍,照亮和提升您的一天
  • 可用作天然香水
  • 100%純淨
  • 擴香時有助淨化空氣
  • 具潔膚特性
  • 在家居清潔液中加入幾滴精油,帶來清新的柑橘香氣,及提高清潔效能
  • 含有高含量的檸檬醛精油和五香酚


  • 稀釋並局部塗抹在手腕或脖子上,散發出自然的香氣。
  • 在您最喜歡的DIY配方中添加一至兩滴檸檬馬鞭草精油,可用於護手霜、糖粒磨砂霜或身體噴霧。
  • 稀釋並局部塗抹以清潔肌膚。

擴香: 讓家裏濔漫著清新的檸檬香氣,給您的生活空間帶來一種令人振奮和煥然一新的氛圍。


檸檬馬鞭草是一種芳香灌木,它會開出淡紫色的小花。而檸檬馬鞭草精油中則是透過蒸餾其羽毛狀葉子所製成。早於1767年,在阿根廷首都布宜諾斯艾利斯地區,人們已發現檸檬馬鞭草,其獨特柑橘類般的香氣也隨之被記錄下來。檸檬馬鞭草除了在南美等國家,被人們用來製作健康的茶飲料外,它在精油行業也享有盛譽,並於製作香水、香皂和化妝品。 同時,它亦可用於一些茶、冰淇淋、蛋糕、水果、糖漿和氣酒等烹飪的製作中,也常用作魚的調味料增添風味。

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Brighten your day with Lemon Verbena! With an aroma that purifies your environment and invigorates your senses, it sends you to sunlit fields of lemon bliss. Renowned in the fragrance and tea industries, this fresh, uplifting, citrus-herbal aroma actually comes from a fragrant shrub, not a citrus fruit. Use this bright, zesty essential oil as a personal or home fragrance, to cleanse the skin and pamper it with antioxidants, or as a midday pick-me-up.

Young Living is proud to offer only true, 100 percent pure Lemon Verbena essential oil produced with our Seed to Seal® quality commitment. Because the plant yields very little oil, many essential oils marketed as Lemon Verbena are adulterated and blended with other oils or additives to increase the amount in a bottle. Not from us; we offer you only pure essential oils for your pure lifestyle.

Lemon Verbena Product Information Page


  • Contains antioxidants
  • Creates a spa-like atmosphere to brighten and uplift your day
  • Serves as a natural and pure personal fragrance
  • 100 percent pure and unadulterated
  • Purifies and refreshes the air when diffused
  • Cleanses the skin
  • Provides a fresh, lemony cleansing boost to
  • household cleaners
  • Contains the powerful constituents of citral
  • and spathulenol


  • Dilute and apply topically on your wrists or neck for a natural personal fragrance.
  • Add a drop or two to your favorite DIY recipes for hand creams, sugar scrubs, or body mists.
  • Dilute and apply topically to cleanse the skin and provide important antioxidants.


  • Diffuse in your home for a clean, lemony aroma that will refresh your living space and raise your spirits.


Topical: Dilute 1 drop with 1 drop of V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex or olive oil and apply to desired area as needed.
Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 minutes 3 times daily.

CAUTIONS: Keep out of reach of children. For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult a health care professional prior to use.


Lemon Verbena essential oil is produced by steam distilling the feather-shaped leaves of this flowering shrub, which has fragrant, lilac-colored flowers. Its distinct aroma was first documented in 1767 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The plant was historically used to make a cleansing tea in South America and is renowned in the fragrance industry and used in many perfumes, soaps, and beauty products. Lemon Verbena is also used in the culinary world in some teas, ice creams, cakes, fruit syrups and spritzers, and as a seasoning for fish.
