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Thieves Kitchen and Bath Scrub 盜賊廚廁去污粉

Thieves 盜賊廚廁去污粉有效去除頑固污漬,配方不含有害化學氣味和殘留物,並結合多種天然成分,包括作為主要的磨砂成分的霞石(採自加拿大安大略省的礦物質)、能溫和吸收異味蘇打粉、遇水時釋放氧氣並加強去污效果的過碳酸鈉以及Young Living 標誌性的Thieves®盜賊複方精油。 Thieves 盜賊廚廁去污粉適用於大部分的物體表面,提供最佳清潔功效,讓您和家人安心使用。


  • 不含氯的多用途清潔劑,適用於瓷器、陶瓷、銅合金、玻璃纖維、人造石無縫石、黃銅、青銅和鉻
  • 輕鬆清潔炊具、爐灶面、料理枱、瓷磚、水泥漿、浴缸、水龍頭、馬桶、防濺板、燒烤架、戶外露台的家具和外牆同時不會刮花表面
  • 有效去除絕大部分的物體表面的油脂、塵垢、污垢、殘留物和頑固污漬,不會產生刺激性的化學氣味或殘留物
  • 不含有害化學物質、合成活性界面劑、磷酸鹽、合成香料或色素或含麩質的成分


將 Thieves盜賊廚廁去污粉灑在沾濕了的表面或海綿上。用布或海綿擦拭,然後沖洗


注意事項: Thieves 盜賊廚廁去污粉是一種溫和的清潔粉末。請勿在製造商説明不可使用研磨劑的表面上使用它。我們建議先在不顯眼處進行小面積的斑點試驗。不要在窗戶、鏡子、磨光的石頭或塗漆的表面上使用。在清潔拉絲金屬表面時,請沿刷線方向擦拭。產品不適用於拉絲/拋光打磨的不銹鋼器具。

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Thieves Kitchen and Bath Scrub gives you the power of a surface scrub free of harmful chemical smells and residue. Thieves Kitchen and Bath Scrub gains its tough scrubbing power from nepheline syenite, a mineral we obtain from responsibly mined sources in Ontario, Canada; baking soda that gently absorbs odors; sodium percarbonate that releases oxygen when combined with water, providing a powerful boost of cleaning power against tough stains; and Young Living’s signature Thieves blend. Designed for use on multiple surfaces, Thieves Kitchen and Bath Scrub is your new naturally derived cleaner: tough on messes and safe for your family.

Features & Benefits

  • Chlorine-free all-purpose cleaner that is safe for use on porcelain, ceramic, copper alloys, fiberglass, Corian, brass, bronze, and chrome
  • Easily cleans cookware, stove cooktops, countertops, tile, grout, bathtubs, faucets, toilets, backsplashes, barbecue grills, outdoor patio furniture, and exteriors without scratching
  • Removes grease, dirt, grime, residue, and tough stains from most surfaces without harsh chemical smells or residue
  • Formulated without harmful chemicals, synthetic surfactants, phosphates, synthetic perfumes or dyes, gluten-containing ingredients, or artificial colors or fragrances

Suggested Uses

Sprinkle Thieves Kitchen and Bath Scrub onto a wet surface or sponge. Rub the surface with a cloth or sponge for a sparkling clean, then rinse.

Use it to naturally tackle soap scum, built-up grease and grime, and hard-water stains in the kitchen and bathroom.

Keep it on hand for cleaning grills and barbecues after picnics.

Cautions: Keep out of reach of children. For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. It’s recommended to avoid contact with skin by using gloves when cleaning. If contact accidentally occurs, wash off with water and gentle soap. Avoid getting this product into mucous membranes.
