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Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood 皇家夏威夷檀香精油



  • 帶有香甜木質滋養香氣
  • 添加至保濕霜中,有助減少肌膚瑕疵,散發年輕亮麗光彩
  • 擴香時有助提升專注力與使清晰思緒
  • 含天然的α檀香醇(alpha-santalol) 與β檀香醇(beta-santalol)


  • 皇家夏威夷檀香精油帶有甜美木質香氣,擴香時有助營造思緒清晰與平靜的感受,局部使用幫助肌膚光滑細緻
  • 結束忙碌的一天後,塗抹於肩膀與後頸部放鬆
  • 在家中擴香,營造如spa般的舒服開心香氣
  • 添加至保濕霜中,幫助減少肌膚瑕疵,使肌膚散發年輕亮麗光彩
  • 冥想時塗抹在手腕上,讓平靜香氣陪伴您
  • 在棉球上滴入數滴,置於車上出風口,在交通繁忙時營造輕鬆愜意的氛圍

請放置在兒童觸及不到的地方。僅供外用。 避免接觸眼睛及黏膜。如你正在懷孕、哺乳、需要服用藥物或為長期病患者,使用前請諮詢專業醫務人員意見。



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Royal Hawaiian™ Sandalwood essential oil has a rich, sweet, warm, and woodsy aroma that is sensual and romantic. Used traditionally for meditation, this oil is uplifting and relaxing and is valued in skin care for its moisturizing properties.

Features & Benefits

  • Has a sweet, woodsy, nurturing aroma
  • Reduces the appearance of blemishes and promotes the appearance of youthful-looking skin
  • Helps create a sense of focus and clarity when diffused
  • Includes naturally occurring constituents alpha- santalol and beta-santalol


  • Apply to shoulders and back of neck to unwind after a long day.
  • Diffuse at home for a spa-like atmosphere that is gentle and uplifting.
  • Add to daily moisturizer to help reduce the appearance of blemishes and to promote the appearance of younger-lookingskin.
  • Apply to your wrists as a peaceful companion during meditation.
  • Add a couple of drops to a cotton ball and place in your car’s vents to inspire a relaxing environment when caught in traffic.

Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood has a sweet, woodsy aroma that can help create a sense of clarity and calm when experienced aromatically and that promotes the appearance of smooth skin when applied topically

Label Directions

Topical: Apply 2-4 drops directly to desired area. Dilution not required, except for the most sensitive skin. Use as needed.
Aromatic: Diffuse up to 1 hour 3 times daily.

Keep out of reach of children. For external use only. Keep away from eyes and mucous membranes. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult a health professional prior to use.

Product Background
From the Kona Sandalwood Reforestation Project located on the beautiful island of Hawaii, Young Living’s Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood is harvested only from dead or dying sandalwood trees in order to preserve ecological balance and to maintain respect for the sacred land.
Harvesting occurs when a tree reaches the end of its natural life which, fortunately, also happens to be when the highest percentage of oil is found.
