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Abundance 豐盛 / 豐碩

Abundance 精油蘊含豐富的甜橙及生薑萃取,氣味獨特芳香。古時候人們使用這些草本來提高周圍高次諧波磁場能量場的頻率,並帶來豐盛、和平及喜樂。


  • 使用1滴V-6綜合純植物油或橄欖油稀釋1滴Abundance精油,塗抺於所需部位。
  • 晚上在沐浴時添加Abundance,享受其濃郁的香氣。
  • 可擴香使用,每日3次,每次1小時。在冥想、瑜伽、禱告或您的個人反思時間中擴香使用,有助整理思緒和計劃。

注意:請將本品放在兒童不能接觸的地方。只可外用,塗抺範圍需遠離眼睛和粘膜。如您處於懷孕、哺乳、就醫階段或有疾病,或正服用醫生配方藥物的話,請於使用之前諮詢健康顧問或醫生意見。如果在未來 12 小時內皮膚要暴露在陽光直射或紫外線中,請避免塗抹此精油。

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Abundance was created to enhance the frequency of the harmonic magnetic energy field that surrounds us. This higher frequency creates what is called “the law of attraction”, which refers to the things we attract to ourselves.

Essential Oils: Orange, frankincense, patchouli, clove, ginger, myrrh, cinnamon bark, spruce

How To Use: 

  • Topical: Dilute 1 drop with 1 drop of V-6™ or olive oil and apply to desired area as needed.
  • Add Abundance to your bath in the evening to enjoy its rich aroma.
  • Aromatic: Diffuse up to 1 hour 3 times daily. Diffuse during mediation, yoga, prayer, or your personal reflection time as you collect your thoughts and plan your day.

CAUTION: Keep out of reach of children. For external use only. Keep away from eyes and mucous membranes. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult a health professional prior to use. Avoid direct sunlight or UV rays for up to 12 hours after applying product.
