Breathe Again滾珠精油具有清新、散發活力的香氣,不論是在早晨、運動,或是整日使用均非常適合。Breathe Again滾珠精油結合了薄荷、香桃木、苦配巴及三種不同的尤加利精油(包含藍膠尤加利),能夠帶給您清新活力的使用體驗。「Breathe Again」的原料中含天然桉油醇eucalyptol,配搭方便的滾珠設計,讓您隨時隨地都能輕鬆使用。
Breathe Again 滾珠精油清新、涼爽的氣息與令人精神充沛、動人觸感讓您充滿活力。內含的薄荷、尤加利等多種精選精油,不論在家中或戶外都能隨時振奮您的感官。
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With a refreshing and rejuvenating aroma, Breathe Again™ Roll-On is the perfect companion for early mornings, long days, and tough workouts. This blend combines Peppermint, Myrtle, and Copaiba with four different types of Eucalyptus—including Eucalyptus Blue—to create a powerful, invigorating experience. Breathe Again includes ingredients that have the naturally occurring constituent eucalyptol and comes in a convenient roll-on applicator, so you can easily use it anytime, anywhere.
Features & Benefits
With a crisp, fresh scent and an invigorating, tingling sensation, Breathe Again Roll-On delivers an invigorating experience. It contains Peppermint, Eucalyptus, and other powerful oils to refresh your senses at home or on the go.
Label Directions
Topical: Apply generously to chest and neck as desired.
Cautions: Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult a health professional prior to use.
Product Background
proprietary blend created by Young Living Founder D. Gary Young, Breathe Again combines some of Young Living’s most refreshing essential oils—including four different types of Eucalyptus—for a powerful, rejuvenating essential oil.
In addition to various types of Eucalyptus, Breathe Again includes Blue Cypress, which is steam distilled from the leaves and wood of the blue cypress, a tree indigenous to Australia. It also includes Copaiba, which comes from the resin of the Brazilian Copaifera reticulata tree. With these potent essential oils, Peppermint, Myrtle, and more, Breathe Again is a must-have any time you’re in need of a refreshing experience.