Peace & Calming滾珠精油的配方由Young Living 創辦人D. Gary Young 親自調配,是Young Living 最暢銷產品之一。揉合了令人愉悅的柑橘與甜橙香氣,與甜美醉人花香的依蘭依蘭氣息, Peace & Calming滾珠精油是做瑜珈練習、睡前與唸書時的絕佳良伴,精油配方已預先使用分餾椰子油稀釋,採用適合外出使用的滾珠頭設計,讓您隨時隨地保持舒心放鬆的狀態。
Peace & Calming滾珠精油帶有柑橘植物愉悅的香甜氣息,與清新淡雅花香。它方便的滾珠頭設計,與預先稀釋的比例配方,讓您整日使用方便又輕鬆。
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Young Living Founder D. Gary Young formulated Peace & Calming, which has gone on to become one of Young Living’s most popular products. This lighthearted blend of uplifting citrus scents and the sweet floral notes of Ylang Ylang makes it a great companion for activities like yoga, bedtime, and study. Pre-diluted with fractionated coconut oil, it comes packaged with a convenient roller ball to ensure that you can enjoy its powerful benefits anywhere, anytime!
Features & Benefits
Peace & Calming Roll-On is a lighthearted blend of sweet citrus scents and fresh floral notes. It comes packaged with a convenient roller ball and pre-diluted formula, so you can take advantage of its benefits all day long.
Label Directions
Apply generously on wrists, back of neck, or shoulders.
Keep out of reach of children. For external use only. Keep away from eyes and mucous membranes. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult a health care professional prior to use. Avoid direct sunlight or UV rays for up to 12 hours after applying product.
Product Background
Peace & Calming was formulated by Young Living Founder D. Gary Young and is one of Young Living’s most popular products. This Young Living exclusive is made from five of our favorite essential oils, including Tangerine and Orange, which contain some of the highest naturally occurring levels of the constituent limonene. Its comforting aroma makes it a great companion for activities like yoga, bedtime, and study, and its on-the-go design ensures that you can enjoy its powerful benefits anywhere, anytime!