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Oils of Ancient Scripture 聖經精油套裝

Young Living擁有10款重要的聖經精油:由絲柏(以賽亞書 44:14)到「沙崙玫瑰」(雅歌2:1)。香桃木和北非雪松的樸實氣味、乳香和沒藥的濃郁香氣都讓值得您們欣賞和享受。

Oils of Ancient Scripture 包括10支5毫升的單方精油:

1. 牛膝草:根據聖經中記載,它是用於許多淨化儀式當中。(詩篇 51:7)
2. 香桃木:香桃木常被用於住棚節中。(尼希米記 8:15)
3. 沒藥:是製造聖靈膏油成分之一,並受到大衛和所羅門高度尊敬。(箴言 7:17)
4. 絲柏:從絲柏樹中提取的,樹幹非常耐用,曾用作羅馬聖彼得的絲柏樹門,即使在1200年後,依然沒有腐爛的跡象。(以賽亞書 44:14)
5. 安息香:安息香是耶和華著摩西製造的「清淨聖潔」香水的成分之一。(出埃及記 30:34)
6. 北非雪松:「黎巴嫩雪松」因其耐用性而廣受讚譽,它更用於建造所羅門的寺廟。(列王紀上 4:33)
沉香 (神聖檀香精油):據說《聖經》中提到的沉香便是檀香,是尼哥德慕帶給耶穌的禮物。(約翰福音 19:39)
8. 沙崙玫瑰(岩薔薇):擁有蜜糖般的甜美氣味,被認為是沙崙玫瑰。(雅歌 2:1)
9. 乳香:希伯來文中乳香一詞在聖經中出現22次,是聖經中最具認可性的植物。(雅歌 3:6)
10. 肉桂 :是崇拜所用之廟香的主要成分。(詩篇 45:8)




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Young Living Essential Oils presents 10 significant oils of scripture, from Cypress (Isaiah 44:14) to “the rose of Sharon” (Song of Solomon 2:1). The grounding scents of Myrtle and Cedarwood and the rich fragrances of Frankincense and Myrrh are yours to savor and enjoy.

The Oils of Ancient Scripture set includes 10 single oils in 5-ml bottles:

  • Aloes (Sacred Sandalwood): Believed to be made from fragrant sandalwood, aloes were a gift Nicodemus brought to Jesus. (John 19:39)
  • Cassia: Cassia was a key ingredient in the incense used in temple worship. (Psalms 45:8)
  • Cedarwood: The “cedars of Lebanon” were acclaimed for their durability and used to build Solomon’s famous temple. (1 Kings 4:33)
  • Cypress: This oil is extracted from the cypress tree, which has wood so durable that the cypress doors of Rome’s St. Peter’s Basilica show no sign of decay even after 1,200 years. (Isaiah 44:14)
  • Frankincense: The Hebrew word for frankincense, levonah, is used in the Bible 22 times, making it one of the most recognized materials in scripture. (Song of Solomon 3:6)
  • Hyssop: Biblical references to this plant indicate it was likely used in practices and rituals intended to purify and cleanse. (Psalms 51:7)
  • Myrrh: One of the key ingredients in Moses’s holy anointing oil, myrrh was highly regarded by Biblical figures such as David and Solomon. (Proverbs 7:17)
  • MyrtleSukkot, commonly translated as Feast of Tabernacles, includes myrtle branches in its ceremony. (Nehemiah 8:15)
  • Onycha: Onycha was an ingredient in the “pure and holy” perfume or incense the Lord commanded Moses to make. (Exodus 30:34)
  • Rose of Sharon (Cistus): This rock rose has a sweet, honey-like scent and may be the flower referred to as the Rose of Sharon. (Song of Solomon 2:1)

