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Slique Essence

Slique複方精油的獨特配方蘊含西柚、柑橘、檸檬、綠薄荷、奥寇梯木及甜菊糖。以上成分相互發揮協同作用,為身體提供飽腹感。配合Slique Tea或Slique套裝使用更有效減低食慾,支援健康體重管理。 其柑橘類精油成分使氣味芳香怡人;綠薄荷幫助維持消化系統正常運作*;奥寇梯木精油散發肉桂般的香氣有助減輕饑餓感。配方更採用天然甜味劑甜菊糖,令味道香甜而不會增加熱量。


使用前先搖勻。 加入2 - 4滴到4 - 6安士的Slique Tea、清水或您喜愛的飲料中飲用。 可於每餐之間或感到肚餓時使用。

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Slique Essence combines grapefruit, tangerine, lemon, spearmint, and ocotea with stevia extract in a unique blend that supports healthy weight management goals. These ingredients work together to help control hunger*, especially when used in conjunction with Slique Tea or the Slique Kit. The pleasant citrus combination of grapefruit, tangerine, and lemon essential oils adds a flavorful and uplifting element to any day with the added support of spearmint that may maintain healthy digestion*. Ocotea essential oil adds an irresistible, cinnamon-like aroma to help control hunger, while stevia adds an all-natural sweetener that provides a pleasant taste with no added calories.

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

How To Use:

Shake vigorously before use. Add 2-4 drops to 4-6 oz. of your favorite beverage, Slique Tea, or water. Use between and during meals regularly throughout the day whenever hunger feelings occur.
