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Jade Lemon 玉檸檬精油



  • 適合用來擴香,其香氣令人精神鼓舞,同時也能喚醒昏沉的腦袋和身體。
  • 可在Young Living 乳液和洗髮液加入10-15滴,令人感覺神清氣爽。
  • 結合海鹽、V-6複方植物油、依蘭依蘭、薄荷和熏衣草精油一起使用有助去除角質。
  • 可作爲清潔劑去除表面粘著物或油脂、去除粘在頭髮上的口香糖、墻壁上的蠟筆或水筆留下的痕迹。
  • 混合香茅精油可製成宜人的柑橘味戶外噴劑。
  • 加入洗碗液可將碗碟徹底洗乾淨,幷且幫助清潔您的洗碗機。
  • 在裝了清水的噴瓶內加入8-10滴精油,噴一噴讓空氣瞬間清新。


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Jade Lemon™ is grown in the warm, humid climate of Taiwan. While other lemons begin to release some of their oils aromatically as they turn yellow, the jade lemon fruit remains green even in maturity, allowing the concentration of oil to continue within the fruit. The oil is released only after the fruit is picked, giving it a richer and more fragrant aroma.

Jade Lemon contains high levels of d-limonene, which helps invigorate, uplift, and energise, as well as support clarity of thought and purpose. Dilute and apply to skin to support skin health, it is useful to clean and purify the skin.

How to Use:


  • Diffuse to uplift and stimulate the mind and body.
  • Add 10–15 drops to Young Living lotions and shampoos to energize the spirit.
  • Combine with sea salt, V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex, Ylang Ylang, Peppermint, and Lavender to exfoliate the skin.
  • Use as a cleanser to remove stickiness or grease from surfaces; remove gum from hair; or remove crayon or permanent marker from walls.
  • Add to dishwashing detergent for a spot-free rinse.
  • Use 8–10 drops with water in a spray bottle to freshen the air.