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OmegaGize³ 加倍悠魚油

OmegaGize³ 魚油蘊含Omega 3脂肪酸、維他命D-3及輔酶Q10,這些天然成分有助支援正常腦部、心臟、眼睛和關節健康。獨特配方含豐富DHA魚油外更加入精油配方,可幫助維持整體健康。


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OmegaGize3 contains powerful nutrients including clean water derived Omega-3 fish oil, CoQ10, and Vitamin D3. These natural ingredients support normal brain, heart, eye, and joint health. With a proprietary blend of essential oils, encapsulated in a liquid ocean capsule, OmegaGize3 supports general health and wellness.

How To Use:

Take 2-4 capsules 2 times daily. Do not exceed 8 capsules.

